Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

We focus on provid­ing com­plete cus­tomer satis­faction. We there­fore attach great im­portance to the quality of our products and services. As a manu­facturer of pharma­ceutical products we have a special res­ponsibility. To this end, we have est­ablished a com­prehensive quality assur­ance system. Our product quality is assured by our imple­mentation of inter­national GMP Standards (Good Manufacturing Practice) in production, quality con­trol and com­prehensive quality manage­ment.

On the basis of our manu­facturing licence, the super­visory auth­ority con­firms our GMP com­pliance in production, quality control and quality manage­ment on an on­going basis by means of regular GMP ins­pections.

We have defined quality ob­jectives for all our business divis­ions.

Our main principles are:
Every employ­ee takes res­ponsibility for the quality of their work. Our goal is to work cor­rect­ly and accurate­ly to a high stand­ard at all times.

We con­sider high quality to be achiev­ed via continu­ous improve­ment pro­cesses. We under­stand that the quality of our pro­ducts, ser­vices and pro­cesses greatly de­pends on our em­ployees. We have incorpor­ated this under­standing into our train­ing and manage­ment principles. Regu­lar em­ployee train­ing and our work with various com­mittees and organisat­ions are, there­fore, a matter of course for us.

We are com­mitted to our social respons­ibility to­wards society and expect the same from our partners. We there­fore ex­pressly distance our­selves from all forms of corruption and discrimi­nation.

The safety and pro­tection of humans and the environ­ment are natur­ally very im­portant to us. We there­fore take measures that go be­yond the legally required guide­lines and have taken further steps from a sustain­ability view­point, including for example, our comprehen­sive medicinal plant culti­vation.

We see our­selves as a reliable partner for doctors, pharma­cists and our customers, who pre­scribe, re­commend and use our products. In addition to the quality and safety of our pharma­ceutical pro­ducts, another key ob­jective in our work is provid­ing a high level of service. The com­prehensive range of in­formation on our pro­ducts and how to use them, from the raw materials used to the manu­­facturing pro­­cess to the scientific pub­lication of clinical research results that we make available, e.g. via our public relations activities, websites and in direct contact with our customers, reflects our endea­vour to provide high levels of transpar­ency and a strong customer focus.